will congress win 2024 astrology

The only astrologer who predicted Donald Trump will get impeached twice in his Presidential Term and will survive the second senate impeachment trial. Kevin McCarthy is in trouble now, because he could not give Red Wave to GOP party in the mid-term election. But then the 2020 pandemic arrived. Conversely, if the poplar vote margin is 3.38 or higher, Democrats win Michigan and they win the entire election. For example, in both 1992 and 1996 Bill Clinton fared better in Arkansas than another candidate would have (even after adjusting for the popular vote) because Clinton was from Arkansas and had previously won state-wide elections in Arkansas. It doesn't matter whether Roe vs Wade is overturned or not, it has already energized the American people especially women voters across the country to vote for Democrats. It seems like the Special Counsel Jack Smiths Trump criminal investigations are in final stages also, as people in the Donald Trumps inner circle such as Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Mark Meadows are subpoenaed by the special counsel. ProfLichtman, who details his strategy for predicting the White House winner in his book, Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House, said although it is very early, it would strongly be to the Democratic party's advantage if Mr Biden ran for re-election in 2024. So, it seems like the second time window (March through August 2023) should be correct for indictment. You dont have to be a great mathematician to see that the next conjunction will be in 2025, which is the year Putins presidency officially was to end. We will see which party has momentum going for them during the challenging time between October 24 and November 8, that party will be the winner in the midterm election. The historian who predicted every presidential race since 1984 says Trump likely won't make a political comeback in 2024. I had predicted in the March 3 astrology update that Biden's approval rating will go up in May, June, July this year. February 23: Consensus map launched. This investigation may take some time before it is settled. No, and I dont expect to, ProfLichtman said. Trumps challenging time begins. If Republicans do win the House in 2022, could they promptly lose it again in 2024? Finally, while I manually adjust for past unique considerations (see Assumption 2), I cannot adjust for future unique circumstances with unknown future candidates. Its a non-partisan system.. American people are realizing corporate profits have skyrocketed and still they are raising prices. "True" answers favour the re-election of the incumbent, while "false" answers favour the challenger. Perhaps the curse was only effective for the period when Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions were in Earth signs. There was no red wave, because McCarthy and Trump were going through very weak and challenging time close to the mid-term election, this is what I had mentioned in my astrology updates close to the mid-term election in October / November 2022. The Morning Star status of Venus occurs in November (2nd through 8th, when presidential elections are held) when 'the lady' is in the early degrees of Libra, one of the signs Venus rules. Furthermore, the lunar eclipse in Trumps chart, with the Sun at 22 Gemini and the Moon at 21 Sagittarius was hit by a solar eclipse on December 14th 2020 when Joe Bidens victory was confirmed by the Electoral College. Answer (1 of 19): Other galaxies are racing away from the Milky Way at millions of miles an hour. I had also indicated in my President Biden's Astrology article that there will be war like situation in 2023 also. This was the reason why I hesitated to make a bold astrology prediction for the midterm election, because the election was on the day of the eclipse. President Biden is going through honeymoon period right now. This is not going to happen. Inflation is a worldwide problem, not just Americas problem. Russian Flag up. But here's a new notice: Abuse of courtesy has occurred. I will make the final astrology prediction on the Mid-Term Election after the October 25 partial solar eclipse. Also of interest is the so-called Tecumseh curse, which was the prediction that all presidents elected in zero years 1900, 1920, 1940 etc. Emily Kohrs declined to name any of those who were referred for charges, including whether Trump was among them. Horoscope of Congress Party and its prospects in general elections 2019. Gas hits 50+ day low (median US price below $4 per gallon. The solution to the high inflation is not the Republican party in power. In 2020 Democrats won the popular vote by a 4.4 point margin; I estimate the popular vote in 2024 will be Democrats winning by a 5.0 point margin because Biden is the incumbent and he has not (yet) had any major scandals. Here is my email: gideon@heltzers.com. The passage of Uranus through Taurus, and the tectonic changes affecting national economies in 2021 and 2022 as Saturn and Uranus clash, will bring a huge reconstruction. Many people don't know, Donald Trump has already destroyed the GOP party, it is too late to separate Donald Trump from the GOP party. Most energy will be generated directly from chemical or light sources, instead of burning fossil fuels. American astrologer predicted, Modi will win with so many seats in 2024 election! Friday July 9, 2021: First we should note that a multitude of earth-based social and political factors will affect the final results of the 2024 Presidential Election and quite a few astrologers poo poo the Venus Cycle theory of US elections. U.S. WEEKLY Date: 14 February 2022 Early Predictions Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election Although the US presidential election is still more than two years away, opinion polling centers are already competing in providing polls that report on the popularity of potential candidates for the 47th president of the United States. There will be no red wave this time. Thanks again for all your support. But this time young women and young voters are registering in large numbers because of Roe vs Wade, that could throw off pollsters estimates. The feeling of love will remain in the family members of the house. In my 2022 astrology predictions for President Biden, I had predicted, more than a year ago, that July 2022 will be a good month for President Biden to get things done. will congress win 2024 astrology. Next, I take each states political trending into consideration. By capturing assumptions from a representative sample of voters, my model may be able to generate a more accurate prediction. Five years back in 2018, the Congress had failed to win any seat in Tripura and Nagaland. Our Democracy and voting rights are on ballot this time. PolicyPreview is a non-partisan blog which provides data-driven election forecasts, descriptions of national and international political races and governments, explanations of various voting platforms, and summaries of related academic research conducted by leading experts. The daily planner that tells you what happens before it happens. Donald Trump is in a very bad and challenging time until May 1, 2024. This election is anybodys ball game so far. Relax, A Trump Comeback In 2024 Is Not Going To Happen. This is what I had predicted in my President Biden's Astrology article for the year 2023. There will be decline in poll numbers during this period for President Biden. With the Sun at 7 Libra and the Moon at 3 Aquarius, there is rather a wonderful series of grand trines taking place. That is why I am very careful this time making bold astrology predictions. Conversely, if the poplar vote margin is 3.38 or higher, Democrats win Michigan and they win the entire election. The Astro-compatibility software that brings happiness in relationships. This does not mean that temperatures and sea levels will not rise, but international agreements will slow the process and make it manageable. You guide to the past, present and future. would not survive until the end of their terms. Trump and his Trumpian Judge are trying to delay the investigation until January 2023, when the new Congress will be sworn in. He may not. Kansas protected abortion. Plus, a fed-up American public can make a difference as well for if we show up and vote in a landslide it's more difficult for operatives to finagle outcomes their way and against We The People's wishes. The election chart has a Moon-Venus conjunction in Sagittarius, so a woman with foreign roots may well be one of the candidates. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. Model Benefits Past presidential polls, both public polls and campaign funded . These errors are not without costs they can lead to massive misallocation of resources, both financial resources and human capital which in turn can generate avoidable election results on both sides of the aisle. 12/10/2020 04:30 AM EST . The results were delayed also because of eclipse. Midterm election right now is anybodys ballgame. Many people have asked me if this guy will ever be indicted, the answer is yes, Trump cannot escape indictment. Mr Lichtmans model looks at several factors in predicting a winner, including party mandate, third-party challenge, social unrest, incumbency and charisma. The January 6th Committee is starting public hearings of their findings in June. In just a few years time, no company will be able to even sell a diesel or petrol car. I receive tons of encouraging emails from people all over the world who read my astrology article / updates on my Donald Trump | 2020 Presidential Election Astrology article every day. We will see how these difficult periods will play out for President Biden. It is said that Donald Trump is planning to run in 2024. For example, the Rust Belt tends to vote in tandem, and my model does not currently adjust for the impact of voting regions. Now many people have asked me during past couple of days, when this Russia / Ukraine war will be over. So here is an excerpt (with a few small edits for clarity) from a previous post written in light of the 2016 Election but with portents that may (or may not) affect the results of Election 2024: Now as Morning Star, election day Venus favors the incumbent candidate or ruling party (even if 2 terms--8 years-- have been served by the incumbent president) - aka, the "one who wears the crown" as it was termed in the olden days of Mundane Astrology. Polls appear to be close, but I believe women and young voters between the age 18 and 35 who are registering to vote in large numbers, are underrepresented in the polls. With the sitting president running again, youre not going to have a big internal party fight, thats a major key, and youre unlikely to have a big third-party movement. There will be two batches of indictments, first batch between October 20 and December 14 this year, the second batch between March 1, 2023, and September 1, 2023. Now many people are angry and upset over inflation and higher gas prices, may want to vote Republican party. This mid-term election is happening at a very difficult and challenging time, right in the middle of two eclipses. Take cars for example. I had predicted May is the time when they will find some solution to this war. We just pumped smoke through chimneys, cigarettes and exhaust pipes. The readers should remember we do not have AA rating birth time from President Bidens birth certificate. In itself this was quite a good clue to the Democrats winning the election. Congress Party Horoscope Pluto also squares Putins Ascendant and in the summer of 2026 Uranus conjoins his Moon in Gemini in his 8th house. As yet, the professor who has accurately predicted the US presidential contest since 1982 when he tipped Ronald Reagan to win in 1984 has not received any congratulatory note from President Trump. Democrats will do very well in 2024 House and Senate elections, will most likely win the Presidency in 2024 Presidential Election. Answer (1 of 6): Congress It is not party it is a living breathing universe in itself. But if there is no solution in May/June/July 2022, then this war will continue for long time. His North Node is at 3 Aquarius exactly on Chinas Moon and the 2026 Saturn-Neptune conjunction squares his Mars at 0 Cancer. COVID is still surging during this time. In my opinion 300+ million Americans will get vaccinated either by April 2022, or by end of 2022, and Coronavirus will be contained. First, I adjust for the popular vote. Donald Trump has divided the Republican party. Conversely, although he stopped just short of making a prediction, Mr Lichtman believes the 2024 presidential vote could be problematic for the Republican party. Adjustment 3. My response is that I had already answered this question in July 2021, almost 2 years ago, that Trump will be indicted any time before May 1, 2024. They always fade away. Republican party and Joe Manchin are giving tough time to President Bident during this time. Born on June 19, 1970, in Delhi, Rahul's zodiac sign is Gemini. Adjustment 1. AS 5.56 AQ. Look what is happening right now, every day Trump is getting bad news. Then in my subsequent astrology updates I had mentioned the time window between March and September 2023. This is not the final prediction for the 2024 Presidential Election. This can be adjusted by altering the weights used in Adjustment 3. Coronavirus will be contained after Saturn leaves Capricorn sign in April 2022. Until he changed the constitution to add two extra presidential terms beyond that year. Heat as a byproduct of light will be eliminated, just as diodes replace filaments in light bulbs. Opposition / enemies will be strong between February 2023 and February 2024. By this point I have estimated adjusted 2024 state values. The birth time has A rating, not AA rating. Light, Motion and the Body Inflation and higher gas prices will have impact on our lives for few months, perhaps a year or so. Today was a very bad day for Donald Trump. Professor, congrats, good call, it reads, in large letters written in marker with Mr Trumps signature. In every city. [1] Heading into that election, Democrats had a 220-212 majority. Senator Joe Manchin has become a problem for Democrats and President Biden to get anything done. When six or more of the statements are false, the incumbent party is predicted to lose. Powered by renewable energy, decentralized, with every household delivering and receiving power from every other household. Interactive Map Contested 2024. In the 2016 and 2020 elections, polls famously underestimated Republicans. -Source: Allan J. Lichtman, The Thirteen Keys to the Presidency, Beta V.1.0 - Powered by automated translation, Look, I'm 73 years old and I've been doing these predictions for 40 years, and I get butterflies in my stomach every four years, Every indication, including statements from Republican election officials throughout the country, indicate that this was a remarkably smooth, full and fair election, and Donald Trump's challenges are entirely baseless, frivolous and dangerous, It doesn't look like the Republicans have anyone who fulfils the 'challenge charisma key', the once-in-a-generation inspirational candidate, like Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan. ProfLichtman was rather taken aback by how Mr Trump handled theelectoral defeat. Republicans are trying to overturn the Roe vs Wade before the mid-term election. But even next year from March 2023 to May 1, 2024, is very bad for Trump. Most Democrats vote by mail, so it may take few days before we know who won the midterm election. Read my lips neither President Biden nor Republicans can fix the inflation and higher gas prices, but recession in 2023 will. 1917 The Russian revolution, 1953 Stalins death, 1989 the dissolution of the Soviet Union, mark the 36-year Saturn-Neptune conjunction cycle. Now Donald Trumps indictment is almost imminent after the Jan 6 Committees public hearings. My astrology prediction given 2 years ago was that Trump Indictments will come before May 1, 2024, most likely in the time window from March 4, 2023, to July 15, 2023, and Donald Trump will be on the Indictments list. However, if the future is nothing like the past, my model will not be as accurate. If Democrats have majority in House and Senate, then they can fix Roe vs Wade and Gun violence. The conjunction squares the 1991 Russian horoscopes Sun, so it is likely that leadership is completely undermined at this time. Remember I said from Oct 24 to Dec 14 is a very bad time for Donald Trump this year, and he can get indicted during this time. President Joe Biden is born on November 20, 1942 at 8.30 AM in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Oops, there was an error sending your message. By studying how each state has voted over time relative to the popular vote, my model allows me to assess presidential voting trends on a state level. The CHIPS Act, PACT Act and Inflation Reduction Act are passed. Some of the polls released in the past two weeks are Republican-commissioned and designed to (falsely) show a GOP landslide, and they are included in the average of polls, to shift the numbers towards GOP. The world is now going through a huge transition presaged by the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at zero Aquarius on the winter solstice in December 2020. Like Putin, President Xi also had the constitution changed to allow him to maintain power well into the future. My data suggests that Wisconsin and Florida are trending Republican too strongly for the Democrats to stand a change at winning these states in 2024, unless the nation as a whole has a dramatic shift left. Know yourself, know your partner, and create the romantic spark. If that is the case, ProfLichtman says it will be a tougher journey for Democrats. Republicans have just one solution to all American people's problems, that is Tax cuts for the wealthy. As Pluto conjoins the Moon and Ascendant, Uranus moves into Gemini and trines Pluto. What to get in touch to learn more? These errors are due in part to numerous issues, including sampling error and unpredictable turnout. Stay tuned! Remember my astrology prediction given a year ago in July 2021 was that Trump will be indicted any time before May 1, 2024.The chances are very high Trump will be indicted between October 20 and December 14 this year. The answer is yes, please click the link given below to see the astrology reading types, charges and how to schedule astrology consultation with me. This was true from 1840 to 1960 (when Kennedy was elected), but Reagan survived an assassination attempt in 1980, and George W Bush was fine. My model uses past election data to predict the future, and places greater weight on more recent political trends. The 'goddess' does, after all, reign atop the US Capitol Building and one of her archetypal manifestations as "Columbia" is well known as namesake of the District. Trump will be in more trouble after March 2023. United States astrology chart indicate challenging time for the country between October 24 and November 15. This year President Bidens approval rating is going to remain high until October 2021. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. At the November 2024 election her Sun progressed is exactly sextile Saturn. Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. Mr. Modi is still very popular leader in the ground and there will always be a question in front of opposition leaders which is "If not Modi, then who?" and nobody will stand equal. After March 1, 2022, all Trump investigations will move forward at lightning speed. Donald Trump and Republicans are tired of losing elections again and again! Results of the 2024 Presidential Election | Original Predictions, August 2021. Referring to Trump, Kohrs said: "You are not going to be shocked.". Clearly often failing. Due to the flexible nature of the four adjustments in my model, my model is equally useful as a simulator to predict the 2024 presidential election if either Democrats or Republicans win a certain percentage of the popular vote. It is likely that popular unrest will unseat him at this time. President Biden will be prone to some health problems during August, September, October, November, December 2022. Till 2024, there will not be any improvement in Rahul's political career. I have studied Kevin McCarthy's astrology chart. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a look at Kamala Harris horoscope to see if there are any indications that she will assume power. Biden / Harris approval ratings will go up after summer of 2024. When we see Mike Pence's testimony than we will know the indictment is coming. Whether Democrats will win or lose in the mid-term election, largely depends upon how President Biden will handle this challenging time between now and April 2022. The chances are very high, if Trump will be indicted this year, then it will happen between October 20 and December 14 this year, if not through the Mar-a-Lago classified documents investigation, then through some other criminal investigation. #tripura #tripuraelections2023 #bjp #cpm #congress #astrology #tripuraelection2023 #tripuraelectionexitpoll Full Video Link https://youtu.be/rVj6eXIS6ZQWa. Its a long shot, but its a possibility. She has a great horoscope for governance with a full moon constellating harmoniously with Saturn in Aquarius, so competence, cooperation and leadership come naturally to her. he correctly predicted a Joe Biden victory. We may be done with the indictments by June 1, 2023, but most definitely before July 15, 2023. Be courteous -- No ads -- including for astrological, Tarot, or psychic readings and consultations. Surfaces will no longer be warm, but cool. Sure enough, Mr Biden secured enough electoral votes to become president-elect, and also won the popular vote by approximately fivemillion ballots. 976d; . It is now August of 2022, and much has changed over the past year. This has some relationship to the timing of Trump indictment. Predictions 2021-2026. We are almost done. Because such political sentiments are unique to specific election years, I subtract the popular margin from each states raw margin. There is partial solar eclipse on October 25 and Total Lunar eclipse on November 8, the election day. It is the beginning of a new 800-year cycle in the Air element, and it marks the end of a 200-year cycle in the Earth element. My guess is Trump will try to take this matter to Supreme Court if he loses in the 11th circuit appeals court. But the astrology prediction for Trump indictment is right on target. He may lose his grip as changes sweep through the population. Adjustment 2. The horoscope given below is widely accepted to be correct and made for 17/09/1950 at 10.59.29 in Mehsana Gujarat. The final astrology prediction we will make in the beginning of November 2022 before the election date. 90% Americans agree that we need background checks before anybody could buy the gun. He will be 82 at the next election. 20th October 1964 21.28 Oakland, California AS: 24 GE. March 2020 Stock Market Crash, Global War with invisible enemy Coronavirus, High unemployment in US, 3 years before these events took place (prediction given on internet on January 20, 2017). If Democrats are ahead in polls between Oct 24 and Nov 8, then the House will stay with Democrats. No Internet connection January through August 2023 are very difficult months for United States economy, and there will be a war like situation during this time. I think whats happened with Donald Trump since the election represents the worst moment in US presidential history, Mr Lichtman said, comparing it with how previous incumbents have reacted. Past presidential polls, both public polls and campaign funded polls, have large margins of errors. Yearly Analysis of the Aries. May not win the house or may win with a very thin majority. Senior Congress leader Sonia Gandhi speaks during the 85th Plenary Session of the Indian National Congress. The world is now going through a huge transition presaged by the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at zero Aquarius on the winter solstice in December 2020. Democrats have a chance in this mid-term election because of the following, despite President Biden's low approval rating right now: 1. However, the economy is suffering, and the Democrats have not yet made any meaningful changes. You are viewing: If small disputes are left, then there will be an atmosphere of peace and happiness in the house. Republican party has one solution for fixing everything from inflation, higher gas prices to bad breath, that is tax cuts for wealthy. The BJP's moon sign is Scorpio," he explains. I had also indicated in my 2021 Biden Astrology predictions that President Biden will face further decline in poll numbers and opposition / enemies will be strong after October 2021. Get this comprehensive guide. My model predicts Democrats will win the 2024 presidential election with a total of 309 electoral votes, while Republicans will have a total of 229 electoral votes: This outcome is discussed in my post 2024 Presidential Election: Democratic Pathways to Victory (see Scenario 3). The DOJ extended the Grand Jury until March 2023. I predicted a Biden win in the beginning of August of this year based upon my prediction system that has been right ever since I predicted Ronald Reagans election in April of 1982, he said. ProfLichtman was also surprised by the disconnect between the White House race compared withtheelections for the Senate, House of Representatives and state legislatures. Control of the airwaves will become far more important than control of territory. And please remember that your kind Shares and Likes are always much appreciated! The emphasis on Aquarius will see the rise of implants, particularly in the brain, and especially after Pluto enters Aquarius. To do this, I graph a plot of the history of the particular states values, and set the adjusted value of the state in the biased year equal to the value which makes the plot the smoothest. The problem is that we dont know President Putins accurate birth time details with AA ratings, which is needed to make accurate astrology predictions about this war. The best option for DOJ is to appeal to the 11th circuit appeals court at the earliest. As PM Modi projects a BJP win in 2024, Prashant Kishor has this to say By hindustantimes.com, New Delhi Mar 11, 2022 11:26 AM IST Taking to Twitter, the election strategist said people should. Some GOP candidates who completely went against Trump are still winning the primaries, while others are losing the primaries despite receiving Trump endorsements.'. Thanks to all my regular astrology readers for all your support. The ETG-Times Now poll predicted BJP would get 24 seats, Left-Congress would get 21 seats and Tipra Motha 14 seats. So many people are asking me this question When Donald Trump will be indicted?. The stars don't want anything to do with Trump. The House polls can shift quickly between October 24 and November 8. There could also be a war like situation during this time. Winners will be sworn in to serve in the 119th Congress in early January, 2025. Another example is 2016 spoiler candidate McMullin who received 21.5% of the the vote in his home state of Utah. I began by compiling state-level voting margins for all past presidential elections beginning in 1976. This could mean a Black president. President Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act" raises taxes on Americans making more than 400K per year. Inflation is a worldwide problem. In my 2021 President Joe Biden Astrology Predictions, I had indicated that July, August, September 2021 should be good months for President Biden to get things done. Climate Certainly, Venus is no stranger to or in Washington, DC. This midterm election is on the day of the eclipse. The 50-vote swing between my original prediction and my revised prediction is attributable to three states: Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, as these three states are trending Republican faster than other swing states, after taking into consideration the popular vote margin. But Republicans are spreading lies that Biden is raising taxes on middle class Americans. In 2021, 2022, and 2023, I had given some difficult times for President Biden, when opposition / enemies will be strong, and health problems are indicated according to the astrology chart. The solution to the inflation is recession in 2023. Donald Trump's hold over the GOP party is slowly fading away. What is interesting is that her progressed Mercury is retrograde and it conjoins the Sun three years into Bidens presidency. Mr Lichtman, however, did say he was surprised by several aspects of the election. I am not sure what challenges President Biden will face during this period. Mr Lichtman said although this election was unconventional because ofthe Covid-19 pandemic and several other factors, he did not flinch on election night when it came to his prediction of a Biden victory, while also acknowledging the mercurial nature of voters. I had also indicated during this time opposition / enemies will be strong.

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will congress win 2024 astrology